

Scheda tecnica
  • caratteristiche

    Stand-alone totem with display and PC lodging, and with height-adjustable desk for mouse and keyboard

  • funzionalità

    Totem for Manufacturing Execution System (MES) PC on automatic assembly lines

  • ingombri modulo

    595x1970x1020 (layout depth)

  • alloggio display

    Ultra sensitive touch screen 23 inch LED display

  • supporto tastiera e mouse

    Easy height-adjustable mini-desk, designed to be adaptable to the operators needs

  • alloggio pc

    PC case lodging placed on the back of the Totem. The structure allows to cover the connection cables, preserving the easy access to devices.

  • design

    Soft and clean lines ensure ergonomics, precious added value for the operators that work with the totem

  • optional

    The painting is customizable upon customer’s request.


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